双语说非遗丨祁阳曲米鱼:色美味香 回味无穷 唤醒你的乡愁记忆
红网时刻新闻记者 王杨 成文杰 周纯 郭婳 谭婕倪 实习生 万钰琦 永州报道
Qumi Fish is a famous dish in Hunan Province and a home-style dish in Qiyang County, Yongzhou City.
The Baishui River, which originates from Datuling in Guiyang County, flows from Puzhu in Changning City to Qiyang in Yongzhou, joining the Xiangjiang River and moistening Baishui Town in Qiyang. Here is not only developed water transportation, but also a gathering place of wealthy merchants and commercial prosperity,so it is also known as “Golden Qiyang, Silver Baishui”. It is from here that the Qumi Fish has been passed down for thousands of years.
During the Xuanhe period of the Song Dynasty, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty designated the Qiyang Qumi Fish as a tribute to the imperial court.In 2018, the Qiyang Qumi Fish was included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of Yongzhou City.
The deliciousness of Qiyang Qumi Fish does not lie in comprehensive and expensive, but simple, pure, original flavor, yet unique craftsmanship. Between clumsiness and elaboration, a kind of rustic nourishment, plain flavor and natural freshness are all reflected.
The choice of ingredients for an authentic Qiyang Qumi Fish is very careful.Grass carp, which grows in the Baishui River, is tender and sweet, rich and fleshy.
The main ingredient is the rare red yeast rice. More than 70 kinds of natural Chinese herbs are firstly used to formulate the currant seed, then the boiled rice is added with the currant seed in a certain proportion and put in the currant warehouse for fermentation.
During the production, first of all, the fresh fish slaughtered, drained, marinated, then, with chili powder, red yeast rice powder and other secret spices mix evenly, drizzled with tea seed oil marinade, it will be plated and placed in a steamer, when its meat gets soft, the Qumi Fish can be taken out of the steamer.
Now, after the prefabricated product processing, this traditional cuisine has become a best-selling Internet standardized "hit". No matter where you are in the world,a plate of Qumi Fish can always let Qiyang people feel the tenderness from the hometown.
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